Day 2: Nr Helston- Veryan village: 27.5 miles
Day 3: Veryan- Looe: 40.4 miles
Day 4: Looe-Saltash: 25.6 miles
Weather:sun and showers every day
Hills: Perpetually mocking
Have worked out the blog so text comes before pics, seems to make more sense although sorry if it causes initial confusion...
I'm in Saltash, nr Plymouth, staying with my cousin and his lovely family. Good few days riding, hugging the south coast and it's glorious estuaries, coves and valleys.
Valleys also means hills and lots of 'em. Yesterday found myself pushing on tip toes up a 1:5 (the bike took one look and froze in terror) But, as with many things in life, if you keep putting one foot in front of the other, and rest when you need to, you get there eventually.
On the second night, met a friendly family, they hardly knew me but, when I mentioned that I was looking for a camp site, offered me a patch in their back garden without a moments hesitation. Got me thinking about the power of generosity. To them it was nothing to offer a spot for the night yet to me it was a real gift- I was tierd, hungry and fed up of walking up hills.
Contrast this with a couple of people who I politlely asked for water yesterday only to be declined in no uncertain terms and I wonder who is truly the happiest? The one who gives freely or the one who holds back?
Of course we have to take care of ourselves. But it can be interesting to notice what arises in us when we find ourselves in a position where we are able to easily give but don't. If there is a holding back, as there can be, to ask: how does this make me feel physcially and mentally? In my experience it's usually not good.
There's an organisation called Random Acts of Kindness, dedicated to this theme ( . They describe scientific studies that prove living life kindly can have numerous positive effects on stress levels, immune system, mental health and general well being.
I believe this can also be extended beyond our fellow beings to the very earth we live on- who perhaps shows us the greatest generosity of all by giving us air,food, clean water and all the other gifts essential to life . What acts of kindness can we show in return??
tread well...